Page 51 - Tusaf 24. Sayı
P. 51
Quantity Value
2021 2020 % 2021 2020 %
January 252.933 273.735 -8% $85.028.141 $86.123.403 -1%
February 151.488 246.593 -39% $51.503.911 $79.944.619 -36%
March 238.342 247.103 -4% $84.796.617 $79.599.231 7%
April 253.391 217.513 16% $89.454.015 $69.592.470 29%
May 231.480 193.330 20% $79.729.564 $62.603.120 27%
June 283.527 199.983 42% $102.020.198 $64.335.970 59%
July 244.436 268.052 -9% $89.150.831 $85.714.281 4%
August 334.452 305.857 9% $121.056.911 $93.710.012 29%
September 287.088 306.430 -6,3% $107.745.075 $93.763.516 15%
October 298.177 257.348 16% $116.969.767 $81.185.168 44%
November 231.774 215.842 7,4% $93.977.895 $68.531.335 37,1%
December 198.996 257.771 -22,8% $87.561.503 $85.556.769 2,3%
Total 3.006.082 2.989.555 0,6% $1.108.994.428 $950.659.894 16,7%
While Iraq maintained its leadership position on a country basis, there were significant increases in the markets of Syria,
Djibouti and Sierra Leone. Compared to last year, decreases were recorded in Angola, Venezuela, Benin and Somalia among our
important export markets. Besides, 43 thousand tons of flour was exported to Afghanistan in the last four months.
Country Quantity
2021 2020 Difference
1 IRAQ 1.286.749 1.346.667 -4%
2 SYRIA 289.105 199.775 45%
3 YEMEN 296.907 300.795 -1%
4 CIBUTI 177.129 44.747 296%
5 ANGOLA 143.341 163.664 -12%
6 VENEZUELA 116.418 156.005 -25%
7 BENIN 82.174 119.234 -31%
8 SOMALIA 80.706 109.641 -26%
9 GANA 69.521 64.354 8%
10 PALESTINE 54.481 44.785 22%
11 SIERRA LEONE 49.011 23.762 106%
12 KENYA 42.624 35.279 21%
13 AFGHANISTAN 43.101 25 171975%
14 CUBA 40.000
15 ERITREA 35.350
OTHER 199.465 380.822
TOTAL 3.006.082 2.989.555 0,6%
While there was 6% decrease in pasta exports on quantity basis in the first eleven months of the year, there was 10%
increase on value basis.
Ocak / January 2022y 51