Page 95 - Tusaf Dergisi 25. Sayı
P. 95


                                                             With “Rapid Flour Analysis” method. The quality of floured vital wheat gluten
         As Anamed&Analitik Group, we contineu to add value to flour.  depends on several factors. The quality of the grain from which it is produced, as
                                                             well as the drying parameters play an important pole on the properties of the glu-
                                                             ten. The analysis is based on the recovery ability of gluten, found in wheat flour. A
                                                             torque diagram is recorded, followed by the speed/flour evaluation, to determine
                                                             the results for protein content, wet gluten content, water removal and W value.
                                                             After defining the moisture content of the flour sample, approximately 9 grams
                                                             of water and depending on the moisture content of the sample, 3 to 10 grams of
                                                             flour are filled into the measuring cup. A water circulator, connected to the body of
                                                             the device, is heated up to 36 degrees to optimize the analysis conditions, in other
                                                             words, to ensure a homogeneous temperature distribution in the measuring cup.
                                                             Thus, all the necessary conditions for analysis are met. GlutoPeak’s mixing padd-
                                                             le mixes the sample with the specified rotation speed (rpm) and displays curves
                                                             according to the recovery time of the sample. If the sample has low gluten proper-
                                                             ties, it will take longer to recover, therefore the analysis can take 2 to 5 minutes
                                                             and the gluten peak rises towards the end of the analysis. However, if the gluten
                                                             properties of the sample are high, the analysis ends in seconds. Because high glu-
         Vital wheat gluten is used as a powdered additive in bakery products   ten recovers quickly and easily, so you can see the highest gluten and torque peak
        to improve their quality, especially in order to achieve a consistent   in the graph, then the curve distorts and drops due to mechanical energy input and
        quality in the bake or to compensate for quality fluctuations in the   the measurement ends. With this method, the development and change of gluten
        flour.                                               in the flour is monitored and plotted within seconds.

        The properties of vital wheat gluten are significantly determined by   ViscoQuick, which can analyze the gelatinization properties and enzyme activi-
        its components, glutenins and gliadins. Whilst glutenins create more   ties of wheat, corn, potato, rice, chickpea and many other flour types in just 10
        elastic properties, the gliadins are responsible for the plastic pro-
        perties. The distribution of the glutenins in relation to the molecular
        weight and the intermolecular disulphide bonds are an important cri-
        terion for determining dough and baking properties and the gluten
        quality. For this reason it has been very difficult and time-consuming
        until now to precisely determine the quality of the gluten.

         The quality of powdered vital wheat gluten depends in turn on vari-
        ous factors. On the one hand, it is dependent on the quality of the ce-
        real from which it is produced. On the other hand, it is also dependent
        on various process parameters, for instance the separation process of
        starch and gluten and the drying parameters, particularly time and

                                                             minutes, has gained an important place in the food sector in a short time. As a
                                                             result of the analysis, the user sees a customary Brabender graph where he can see
                                                             the viscosity like other Brabender Technologies as “Start of Gelatinization, Max.
                                                             Hot Viscosity, Min. Cold Viscosity and Max. Cold Viscosity”. ViscoQuick applies a
                                                             certain amount of power with its pedal depending on the sample. This power is
                                                             represented on the graph as torque (BU). The less force the pedal applies to the
                                                             sample, the lower the peak in the graph, ie. a lower torque (BU) value appears on
                                                             the graph. The sample begins to gel and the torque (BU) starts to increase, ie. the
                                                             pedal starts to apply more force to the sample. Thus, we see the gelatinization or
                                                             baking properties of the sample, according to the pedal rotating with a certain
                                                             torque and a temperature profile.
                                                             ViscoQuick does not need a separate thermostat due to the state-of-the-art pel-
                                                             tier temperature system integrated inside. In addition, thanks to the computer and
                                                             software integrated into the device, there is no need for an additional software
                                                             and computer. The software offers features such as comparison between analyzes,
                                                             sending the analysis directly from the device to another device as PDF or Excel,
                                                             and enabling the evaluation of previous analyzes by remotely connecting with ot-
                                                             her Brabender devices.

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