Page 81 - Tusaf Dergisi 25. Sayı
P. 81
ASTON TARIM GIDA İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş. was established other Azov Sea ports, mainly Kavkaz port and Rostov ports.
in 2013 as an Istanbul-based trading company under the Aston Russia operates an export-oriented terminal with its
Swiss-based ASTON GROUP initiative. Its main commercial own silos and port in the Rostov region in the south of the
mission is; development of trade between Russia and Turkey, country. With coaster ships loaded from this terminal, raw
especially in the trade of Grain, Grain, Vegetable Oil, Oilseed materials are sold to other nearby countries besides Turkiye,
and Feed raw materials, and improving and strengthening and at the same time, grain is exported to distant destinations
commercial and operational processes by intermediating in by transporting them to Kavkaz port, which is the largest ship
public and private sector purchases. port in Russia, and being loaded on ships with a capacity ran-
ging from 30 thousand to 75 thousand tons.
From the 2013 harvest season, when we started our operati-
ons, until the end of 2022, annual tonnages have increased In addition, our company is the leader among the producers
from 375-400 thousand tons to 1.5 million tons per year today. and exporters of crude sunflower oil from Russia, and it trades
While the total commercial purchases of the private sector and Crude Sunflower and Soybean oil exceeding half a million tons
the government in Turkiye increased year by year, our com- annually. Aston Group has 2 sunflower crushing plants and 1
pany also increased its share in this increase, and also Aston flax and canola crushing plant with a total crushing capacity
Tarım’s share among Aston Group companies has reached 25% of 2500 mt in Russia. Aston Group also operates in the field of
in terms of tonnage. Within the total raw material trade volu- ship management with a fleet of 25 ships in total. These inc-
me of 1.5 million tons, bread wheat alone amounts to 1 million lude oil tankers and dry cargo ships that can carry from 4,000
tons. Our corn and barley trade to Turkiye is an average of 300 tons to 75,000 tons.
thousand tons per year. Aston Turkiye has carried out its trade
mainly by unloading wheat, other grains and feed raw materi- In addition to all these, the main feed raw material of Aston
als to the ports of İskenderun, Mersin, Bandırma, Tekirdağ, and Group companies is Sunflower Meal and it exports an average
Samsun. This trade was mainly carried out as ship-to-truck of 300 thousand tons of pelleted Sunflower Meal every year.
delivery (DPU) or warehouse-delivery (EXW). Before the Russia- Ukraine conflict, about half of the sunflower
meal tonnage exported by Aston was coming to Turkiye. Aston
Aston Group companies create an annual trade volume of ap- Agro Ind. is also among the main suppliers of the Turkish Gra-
proximately 6 million tons, of which approximately 4.5 million in Board in both cereals and crude sunflower oil. Aston Group
tons is bread wheat alone. Exports from Russia are made from companies operate in Russia, Switzerland, Dubai, Singapore
and Turkiye.
81 y Ocak / Januaryl 2023